Bells and Pomegranates

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Bells and Pomegranates

Bells and Pomegranates




Product Type

6 x 9 inches

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Bells and Pomegranates

“We’ve never stressed it, but there is some point to yichus. We don’t always manage to pack in merits like pomegranate seeds, and sometimes it’s good to fall back on our forefathers’ merits.”

Meet nineteen-year-old Yossi Cohen, deeply immersed in yeshivah life…and just beginning to think about shidduchim. How big of a role will yichus play in this all important life stage?

Enter the world of Gila and Rina Robinson, identical twins with nonidentical plans for the future. As each one forges a path of her own, the tension mounts. Can they maintain their closeness? And in their hearts lurks fear of the future; will the black mark on their family’s record ruin their chances for shidduchim? Meanwhile, the twins’ close friend Sarah Luft is also launched into a brand-new world of matches and matchmakers, never dreaming that the secret buried in her family’s past will change her entire future. In this brand-new novel from celebrated author Rachel Pomerantz, four young people and their families — whom readers will recall from the novels Wildflower and Cactus Blossoms — confront daunting lawsuits, life-threatening diagnoses, and menacing thugs, forcing them to acknowledge their deepest fears and overcome them. Building
new relationships and repairing old ones, they’re determined not to be felled by the faults society finds in them and in their less-than conventional backgrounds.

Every step is fraught with tension and laden with discoveries as they wonder
if they’ll ever hear that magical word…lechaim!